Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

I hope all you mommies out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. 

Our weekend was relatively quiet.  Saturday night we did squeeze in a movie. We went to see the Avenger's.  Typically I wouldn't be drawn to that type of movie but it was Adam's turn to choose so I compromised. I was pleasantly surprised. I still don't know how it's made the most money of any movie EVER but it was good.

Every Sunday my Mom attends church by herself at 7:30am.  This week I woke up {with the birds} and surprised her at church.  I think she was really happy to have me there with her.  It's gotta be the world's most boring mass in the history of St. Gabriel's (no music) but it was nice and the important part was I got to spend some time with her. 

Afterwards I treated her to breakfast and it was nice to have her all to myself for a little while.   Her life is so crazy with her move coming up and I always have Aidan. We were able to have uninterrupted conversation which was lovely.

When I got home it was still early enough that my boys were still snuggled up in my bed.  I crawled back in to bed between them and Aidan opened his eyes and said "Happy Mother's Day Mommy.  You are the Best Mommy in the Whole World."  I was soaking it up.  Next thing I knew, the boys were up and gone.  They had breakfast together at the Pancake House and then came home and surprised me with a new computer!!!  I was so excited.  My Toshiba was on it's last leg and it was impossible to do anything on the iPad so Adam knew it was just would I would want!  I also got a monogrammed Moon and Lola necklace but Adam was terrified he would mess it up so I have to place the order for it! I can't wait! I have wanted that necklace for months!  I love that my hubby pays attention to me and always gets me the best gifts.  It's also nice that I don't need Mother's Day to feel appreciated.  He praises me for being a wonderful Mother everyday.  It means a lot on those days that feel like nothing is going good!  You Mom's know what I mean??

We took off to my sister in law Mandi's house for the afternoon.  We caught up with Adam's side of the family for a few  hours and by the time we left it was pouring rain so we came home and the three of us changed in to PJ's and cuddled up on the sofa and watched some TV.  Adam gave Aidan his bath and put him to bed, we watched our Sunday night HBO and the day was over!

It was really the perfect day. 

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