Thursday, May 17, 2012

Camera Dump

I know we have all grown accustomed to seeing people dump their Iphone or Instagram pictures but I needed to clean off my camera.  I had all this cute photos of Aidan but needed to clear up some storage space on my memory card. Lucky for you.

We took these pictures one day after Aidan got his new Converse with Batman on them. 
Try not to leave any comments about how old he looks {cough, Amanda} I know and it's depressing.  Just tonight at my parents my mom tried to tell me he looks older today than he did yesterday! Sad face.

I mean, he could be a shoe model..

I have to admit, I'm not much of a "character" on his clothes or shoes kind of girl BUT he loved these and they were cute so I said "What the heck!".

Crazy hair, gorgeous face.

Funny faces...

I love this outfit by the way.  He makes a sweatpants day look good doesn't he?

More pics next week!

1 comment:

  1. ohh your little guy is so cute !
    these pics are something my mom would have done when my little brother was about Aidan's age, she would make everything an occasion, bacause time does fly and seems to fly faster when their at that age.
    you have a sweet little family miss April.
    Rachel Hope
