Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Re-Cap

I took a break from blogging this week.  I am trying to give myself a little bit of a break from the computer.  I think every once in a while I need that!  And in an attempt to spend less time on my iPhone when I am with my family...I broke up with Facebook.  Don't worry I'll still be here blogging! 

Friday night this weekend was Aidan and I's date night.  We had Mexican for dinner and came home and snuggled on the sofa.  That was his request instead of going to a movie! Hey, I'll take a snug session with him over anything!!!

Mexican dinner date.

Goofy Instagram photo

Saturday night I met some girlfriends Uptown for dinner so my parents took Aidan to the circus. I dropped them off at the arena and got stuck in some traffic.  I had no clue what was holding us up until I realized the elephants were crossing the street.  How funny right?

We had big plans to go to a friends house for a Super Bowl party today but it ended up being a really crummy day and we had a crazy day of errand running and about an hour before kick off we just decided to throw on our PJ's and sit home.  Best idea ever.

I ran out to the grocery store and threw together a coffee table full of appetizers and that's what we had for dinner. Aidan was LOVING all of his options tonight!

Typical easy party appetizers.

I think those are the best looking pigs in a blanket I have ever made.

Cute Shrimp Cocktail in my stemless red wine glasses. 

Sadly, the Patriot's lost the big game but they just didn't play as well as the Giant's.  We still love them though! Aidan is off in dreamland, I am organizing my Pinterest and shopping for new furniture ideas on line while this is going on next to me...

That's our weekend in a nutshell!! Hope you all enjoyed your weekends!


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