Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oscar Night 2012

I'm a few days behind but Weren't the Oscar's great this year?  Adam and I are huge movie buffs. I get it from my Mom and he just has to watch them with me because I say so.  We spend a lot of nights in our bed watching movies.  It's some of my favorite time with him.  We typically try to watch the movies that are up for awards but with Adam's crazy schedule we didn't have much time.  Luckily, my mom and Dad briefed us on a ton of stuff before Oscar night so we knew what things were looking like for the show. 

Typically I do a best/worst dressed list for fun here on the blog but is that necessary this year when all we need to talk about is Angelina's leg? When she "showcased" it for the first time on the red carpet I thought "OK, she's working the slit...her stylist probably made her think the thing to do was use this as a way to show off the dress."  But then when she did it when she was presenting I just felt awkward.  Adam wouldn't stop saying "why is she doing that." and I think my mouth was on the floor. I know everyone is talking about it and I hate to beat a dead horse but what was going on? And why did she skip the spray tan if she was going to be showing so much skin?  Thoughts? If you missed it, here's a pic:

On the Red Carpet
This looks so uncomfortable!

While Presenting

                                         In other news I thought these girls looked fabulous:
                                                                 Gwenyth Paltrow
                                                                   Huffington Post

                                                                    Emma Stone

                                                               Michelle Williams

                                                                 Glenn Close

                                                                    Tina Fey

 and I cried like a baby when Meryl Streep won and her speech was perfect: Here is a link if you want to watch!

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