Polka Dot dog bed. Apparently it's too big for him because he has grown and look how tiny he looks on it!
Someone (I'm not naming names...COUGH Adam) gave him a pillow and a throw off the sofa.
He loves it. I'm glad he's cozy. I'm not glad my husband gave him my favorite chenille throw and that now I freeze while watching TV.
We bought him two really nice plush, squeaky dog toys. One is a chipmunk that we now call "Chippy". Scout lives and dies for Chippy.
Last week Scout made the grave mistake of chewing up not one, but three of Aidan's toy horses (Aidan wasn't happy) and well let's just say R.I.P. Chippy. Or one of his legs anyways. This is Scout after Chippy was returned missing an extremity. He's so upset. Aidan said "that will teach him!"
A quick pic of the boys around here. Aidan insisted on having those Christmas tree boxers from JCrew kids. They are like 5 sizes to big but he sags wears them to bed.
So anyways, I think Scout is mostly happy here. With the exception of "the Chippy incident". Thankfully he has a squirrel all in one piece that he new tosses in the air and catches.
Does everyone say "my dog is just so smart?" Because I don't want to be that Mom.
Hi April!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are priceless!!! Especially the one of Scout looking down at his best friend!!! Your little fella is growing up!!! My son turned 18 in August and it is absolutely breaking my heart that he is all grown up!!!
Have a great rest of the week and a GREAT weekend!!!
Hugs from Arlington, TX!!
Holly N. Madugula