Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rainy Days

It's been raining a lot around here lately! I don't really mind because I get to spend my time cuddled up with Aidan on the sofa watching daytime TV movies.

One day last week he had a bad case of cabin fever so I dressed him in his rain gear and sent him out in the rain!  I think he thought I was loosing my mind letting him get wet AND dirty.  I of course stayed inside in took pictures through our glass door.  He had a great time!

Adam was thrilled when he got home that he had jumped in the puddle in our bark mulch until it was all over the side walk.  Ha!

 That tiki torch and I had a long talk about photo bombing later that afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. these are so cute, the look of pure innocence. I love to watch little ones, especially in the rain they seem so thrilled by the beauty of it, I still thrill in the beauty even though I haven't frolicked in the rain for sometime
    Rachel hope
