Monday, January 9, 2012

I am Obsessed!

I've been meaning to do a list of just a few products I'm in love with these days! I get so excited when people find good stuff and let me know about it so I figured I would let you all in on my secrets. Most of them you probably know about but just in case...

 Let me just tell you about this shampoo...I haven't ever been excited about a drug store shampoo in MY LIFE. For those of you that know me IRL...know that I have the THICKEST hair on the planet and it has previously had the tendency to look like straw! This is the best shampoo I have ever put on my head! I broke up with my Moroccon Oil for this stuff.  Today alone I have had three compliments on how great my hair looks and my husband even mentioned yesterday how much he loves our shampoo these days. If a man says something, you know it's good.  My hair is so soft and shiny!!! We buy the big bottle with the pump attached at Tarjay. 

Next up are two cleaning products...I know you have all heard of the Method line and most of you probably use it.  If, don't walk to (again) Tarjay and buy the 
Method: All Purpose Cleaner. Scent: Pink Grapefruit. I haven't met a scent of theirs I didn't LOVE but pink grapefruit is something special!

And as if finding one cleaning product that I love from this company wasn't enough...I also love their Wood For Good Surface Cleaner.
The scent is Almond.   How could you go wrong? It's my fav because it doesn't leave that waxy residue on my furniture like Pledge does. There is a strong possibility that the Almond makes me hungry but I'm not quitting this stuff anytime soon!
On to some little "clothing" items.  It's the little things right?

Have you checked out the Gilligan & OMalley line at Target for Women?  Well recently, I was in need of some new undies. This happens to you too, right? I was in Target and I saw these were 5 for $20.  I bought 5 pair and have loved them! They come in boy shorts, bikinis, thongs and whatever else is left after that.  And in about 20 colors! Super comfy.  I think the lace and ruffle trim on them makes them cute.  Once I knew I was in love, I went home cleaned out all my old VS underwear and bought a ton of these in all shapes and colors.

While we are on the subject of Gilligan and OMalley...these nighties they carry are so comfortable and affordable!  I get so hot at night and these are perfect for solving that problem! When Aidan is running around, I throw on a pair of PJ pants under them.

I have a small addiction to hand soap.  I wash my hands a lot so I always like something that smells good but isn't over powering.  When I was at Bath & Body Works getting stocking stuffer's this year, I was literally in line, remembered I was out of hand soap in our  bathroom so I grabbed this bottle because...are you ready for was red and it was Christmas time.  I didn't read the bottle, I just picked it up. Best accident EVER. The Black Current Vanilla is UH. MAZING. The whole aromatherapy thing has something to do with being "Sensual". I have to say I haven't really noticed a difference anywhere  but in the scent I carry with me on my hands. It does say on the bottom to breath in deeply when washing your hands and you know I do that. Can you see me?

 That's it. 6 quick items. All totally affordable. All but 1 you can get at your local Target.  No one asked me to write about these things, I just did it because I have been so happy with them and thought you could be too!
All images were taken from the website I linked back to.

Happy Monday!

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