Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Funday Sort Of

I really didn't have much in the way of plans for our Sunday but I knew that Adam had to work all day and was looking forward to some time alone with Aidan. I thought maybe we would take a bike ride to have lunch or throw the football in the back yard. Saturday night I realized that those things were not going to happen when Aidan woke up with a fever and a terrible cough. We were able to get him comfortable and back to sleep. This morning he woke up with a low grade fever so after breakfast we climbed back in my bed and spent the day watching movies and napping. The day may not have gone the way I had envisioned it but I still got to spend the day with my sweetie. And he sure does love his Mommy snuggling him when he doesn't feel well. He's tucked in bed safe and sound and the hubs and I are settling in to watch Sunday night HBO. Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Hey lady, I've been thinking a lot of you lately. We should get together for a lunch date or trip to the park with the boys. I'm off through the week now, so let me know what works for you. Would love to meet you and that darling boy. Hope he is feeling better today. Talk soon!

  2. *** What I meant to say was you have been crossing my mind quite frequently these days*** excuse my typing... we r a little sleep deprived #8 mo olds have no clue what daylight savings time is ;)
