Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm Clueless and a visit with Santa picture

I am at such a loss this year when it comes to Christmas for Aidan.  He literally has given me almost no ideas as to what to get him for Christmas.  How will he feel about Santa if he brings him nothing?  Adam and I made an unofficial plan to try and spend  more money on "experiences"  than toys.  We feel like he burns through toys and it would really be nice to continue to make great memories as a family.  We could do such cool stuff with the money we spend on Christmas toys that he has outgrown in months time.  With that being said, he still has to have some stuff to open on Christmas morning.  We could have accidentally already bought him everything he has ever wanted.  Whoops.
My best friend Candace watches Aidan a few days a week for me and she recently caught Santa on a slow day at the mall and had this picture taken of Aidan and her son Cole. Are they not the cutest? 
I quizzed Candace on what Aidan asked Santa for during his visit but she was clueless too.  Aidan said he asked for a monster truck. So one thing on the list.  I'm racking my brain.  Who has good ideas for me?

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