Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday & Breaking Dawn

We survived Black Friday in the best way!  It was a little crazy getting to the mall and getting parked (the exit off of the interstate was backed up for miles!) but once we did, we had a successful night of shopping! With the excpetion of having to order one thing for my FIL off the interent and practically all of Aidan's stuff we are pretty much done! I was trying to calculate in my head how much money we saved and I think it's somewhere close to $700!  We shopped for 8 people so that's a pretty great savings. It feels so good to have most of it done and now all we have to worry about is enjoying the season!  I have a ton of stuff I want to get done around here before I can even think about putting up a tree but I am all set to decorate!

I love all the time you get off around the holidays! It's been so nice to have Adam and Aidan together all to myself! I have only been home for 2 days and I feel like we have done so much! Tonight Adam and I saw the new Twilight movie Breaking Dawn, Part 1.  We aren't huge Twilight fans but we love going to the movies so we thought we would see it. I could have waited for it to come to ON DEMAND but I am glad I got to see what all the fuss has been about.  And now I wonder what. all. the. fuss. is. about.  Now I have to see what happens in Part 2. 

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