Friday, October 7, 2011

County Fair

The surprises were just coming one after the other the weekend of Adam's 30th!  Sunday after his party we headed up to the Cleveland County Fair in good ole' Shelby, NC.  Adam spent a couple good years at the fair when he was younger so I thought it would be the perfect thing to take his mind off of the big 30. Plus I knew he would probably really enjoy some Chicken on a Stick and a huge Funnel Cake.  Who wouldn't?

Aidan definitely had a good time.  He rode everything! Surprisingly, Adam is a little bit more protective of Aidan than I am and he was totally freaking out he was going to catch some deathly disease from carnival rides while we were there. 

All of Aidan's dreams came true at the Fair.  He got to ride in a firetruck...
He got to ride in a race car.
And on a motorcycle. 
Also known as the things I will never let him do in real life. Haha!

He almost did a flip!
He loves his Daddy .
 This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Aidan.  He is just so sweet.

I'm embarrassed to tell you we are going back tonight. =)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, looks like you had a great time! We love the fair too. I'm your newest follower through GFC. :-)
