Thirty Things You Might Not Know about The Birthday Boy
1. He was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. About 5 blocks from our current home. He hasn't moved much. His grandparents lived 2 houses away.
3. He has a scar on his chest that he tells people is a stab wound but really it's just from having a mole removed.

4. His favorite food is spaghetti with meat sauce. Don't forget garlic bread or the meal is ruined.
5. He had me convinced his middle name was "Leroy" for months when we started dating.

6. His favorite Christmas movie is "It's a Wonderful Life".
7. When Aidan was born he asked me questions like "is he cute?". He wasn't worried about 10 fingers or toes. Of course he was/is but it wouldn't have mattered. I knew the second he held him, he had never loved anything so much!
8. I was his first serious girlfriend. That's what he tells me anyway. Therefore the first person he EVER said "I Love you" to.

10. He's had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

11. Since we have been together he has broken his hand, 4 ribs and his collar bone. One of those injuries required surgery and he had to wear a piece of foam that looked like a cheese wedge FOR. EVER.

12. He remembers the exact day he met my dad and wishes him a "Happy Anniversary" on that day every year. It makes for a good laugh.
13. He has incredible work ethic. I can count on one hand how many times he has called in to work.
14. Growing up Baseball was his sport. Now he's playing softball. He and Aidan play together all the time.

15. He is the best gift giver ever.

16. Everywhere we go, Adam knows someone. It never fails. A few months ago we walked in to a restaurant on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere and some guy yelled "Adam Harvey, where the hell have you been hiding." We are in the south.
17. Most of his friends he's known since his day care days.

18. He wears a hat everyday. His favorite Red Sox hat just bit the dust. This reminded me to order him a new one.

19. He sings to me all the time. Not actual songs but little ditty's he makes up.

20. When we met he had only been on a plane once!
21. Once he had mouth surgery without pain medication because he was nervous of the needle. Worst mistake of his life he says.

22. He's never ridden a horse.
23. He constantly acts like he hates the cats but he is always worried about where they are and do they have enough food. I come home OFTEN to him cuddled up with them on the sofa. He loves them.

24. He tries to bribe me with kids. Example: If you help me paint the living room, we can have 4 kids instead of 3.

25. He loves manual labor and is always working on a project.
26. He has one half sister.
27. At night after Aidan goes to bed, Adam leaves our bed to crawl in to his and snuggle with him.

28. The last sentence in his wedding vows to me where "You know what I'm saying...I'll always take care of you."

30. He has no interest in turning 30.
Happy Almost 30th Birthday Honey!!!

19. He sings to me all the time. Not actual songs but little ditty's he makes up.

20. When we met he had only been on a plane once!
21. Once he had mouth surgery without pain medication because he was nervous of the needle. Worst mistake of his life he says.

22. He's never ridden a horse.

24. He tries to bribe me with kids. Example: If you help me paint the living room, we can have 4 kids instead of 3.

25. He loves manual labor and is always working on a project.
26. He has one half sister.
27. At night after Aidan goes to bed, Adam leaves our bed to crawl in to his and snuggle with him.

28. The last sentence in his wedding vows to me where "You know what I'm saying...I'll always take care of you."

29. Once he accidentally started using Jergen's Natural Glow and had no clue where the tan was coming from. Now he's addicted.
Happy Almost 30th Birthday Honey!!!
Happy 30th to Mada.