Friday, August 19, 2011

We're Camping

Among the million and a half things I am subject to hearing about my husband doing prior to our marriage, camping seems to come up a lot.  So I had this brilliant idea that I would plan a camping trip.  I wasn't going alone so I emailed the only other person I know that had  A) a man and  B) a child and C) would agree to pee in an outhouse D) and fish.  My girlfriend Chelsea.  She conveniently dates my hubs best friend Mike. Actually I think it might be that my husbands best friend conveniently dates her. But whatever.

Chels and I are always trying to come up with something for the six of us to do.  So when the camping wheels starting turning in my head, I knew she would be easy to convince.   4.3 seconds later, we decided on a nice little campground outside of Asheville.  Instead of tent camping we opted for the "sleeper cabin".  Oh LUXURY.  Two queen size air mattresses and one twin in a "cabin".  No water. But there is a screened in porch square stoop.  I swear it sounded so much more "mountain paradisey" than how I just described it. 

picture credit:the campground

Since then, we surprised the boys with this little trip.  They were less than excited.  Adam's response "I'm not carrying any of your stuff."   I showed the website to my mom, she recommended I come down with a mysterious sickness the day before and send the boys alone. Really?  Could it be that bad?  Camping with us?  Come on.    I may have no idea what I am getting myself in to, but I'm pumped!!!!  Excuse me for envisioning Chels and I in our plaid button downs, cute little boys with s'mores in hand and our men fishing in the river five feet from our porch. Doesn't that sound like fun to you? I swear I'm not trying to convince myself.

A week from today, we'll be fire side in the NC Mountains! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!  

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