Monday, August 15, 2011

Mary Chapin Carpenter

For my birthday my parents gifted me with tix to see Mary Chapin Carpenter at the Knight Theatre here in Charlotte.  I initially thought about taking my mom to the concert but Adam and I were way overdue for a date night so he was the lucky one that joined me.  

Growing up,  my mom loved Mary Chapin Carpenter and she was one of the first "country" singers I was introduced to.  I remember listening to her cassette tapes in our family station wagon on road trips when I was younger.   You would think that since Adam is from the south he would be a little bit more cultured than I am in country music but he was clueless as to who we were getting ready to see perform on Friday night. 

We were easily the youngest couple there and some of the only few that moved from their seats the entire two hour concert but it was a great time .  My all time favorite song of hers is "Halley Came to Jackson" and I was bummed when she ended her show without singing it.  That is until her encore when she came out and professed it too was her favorite song of hers and performed it, bringing the crowd to their feet. 

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