Monday, August 8, 2011

Birthday Weekend Re Cap

I am seriously, ridiculously spoiled by my husband and all of my friends.  I can't say it enough, I. AM. SO. BLESSED. 

Every Wednesday night we have dinner with our dear friend Julie and she knew I had been having a tough week so she showed up for dinner on Wednesday with a birthday balloon, a trash mag and cupcakes.  The girl knows how to get to my heart.  And why not start celebrating day early?? 

Thursday I was up early and headed to work. I was greeted by donut holes and sweet card from my receptionist in crime Monica.  She is the sweetest.  It was the perfect way to start my day.  All of my co workers made their way to my desk and wished me a happy year.  After lunch I came back to not one BUT two floral arrangements.  A large arrangement of roses from Adam and a smaller arrangement from Aidan.   The roses meant so much but I could not stop smiling at that little bunch of flowers.  Adam and Aidan called the office and Aidan sang the best version of  "Happy Birthday" my ears have ever heard.   Adam said he had taken Aidan to the florist that morning and he hand picked the flowers in his arrangement. I guess that's why I kept smiling at them, I knew how much love was packed in that vase. 

{Birthday Flowers}

After work I rushed over to pick Aidan up from camp. It was so funny how badly I just wanted to spend my day with him. I had high hopes he would be in the mood to sing "Happy Birthday" once more for me and he did not disappoint.  

We met Adam at home and he surprised me with a gorgeous new stainless steel watch and a dozen of my favorite cupcakes. I'm torn between wearing it and my ceramic watch he bought me for Christmas, everyday.  Serious issues to have huh?   Julie showed up moments later to spend some time with Aidan so Adam and I could go out to eat.  I was in the mood for Firebirds.  We had intentions of heading to a movie afterwards but I was dying to get home to Aidan so we could share a cupcake.  We had that cupcake and I was exhausted.   I was in bed super early and another year older. 

{Birthday Watch}

My phone was ringing off the hook weeks prior to my birthday. Friends and family wondering how and where I wanted to celebrate. In typical fashion these days, I couldn't commit to anything until the last minute and decided on a quiet dinner Friday night with those closest to me at a trendy restaurant in town. My brother Bobby offered to sit Aidan while we went out.  It was just what I needed and I loved the time I got to spend with my hubby and those friends. It was perfect for saying goodbye to 27.

{Birthday Shirt}

Saturday we spent some time at the mall so I could get a link taken out of my watch and it was then I realized I was not feeling well. Lately it seems a migraine finds it way in to at least one day of my weekend.  I came home and crashed. My parents swung by and took Aidan to Fan Fest at the Panther stadium.  We met them at their house early in the evening for more cupcakes and they surprised me with concert tickets for Adam and I this Friday night. 

Today I capped off the weekend with a mid-day pedicure with one of my best friends Amanda and a late lunch and some furniture shopping with my boys.  We had dinner with my parents and enjoyed the last of the birthday cupcakes.  At this point, the nickname "Cupcake" would probably be very fitting.  I won't need to eat another one until next week year.

As the years have gone on, the way I celebrate has changed a little bit. There is a lot less partying and a whole lot more reflection on the year past and all the amazing things that the year ahead holds. I worry less about what I am going to do and more about who I am going to celebrate with.  27 was great, 28 will be even better. 

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