Sunday, July 10, 2011

Christin's Shower

Our friends Bobby and Christin {and daughter Acia} were in town from Utah the past few weeks and we have loved our time with them.  We were pretty sad to see them go last August.  Almost all of our favorite couples live far away now!  Maybe we should just move! 

 When Christin and Bobby lived here were spent many nights on our sofa, the boys doing boy things {read: playing PS3} and Christin and I daydreaming about having more babies.  We were elated to find out they were expecting back in February! So even though I thought I was retired from baby showers, I just couldn't help myself this weekend.  It was actually really, really nice because Christin's mom came all the way from Utah with them and pretty much did EVERYTHING for the shower. I just had to lend my home and my voice of opinion on where to hang some decorations. 

Snapshots from the Baby Shower/Weekend

Adam has been buying me flowers every week from the Farmers Market.  Gorgeous huh?

 Christin and Acia. 
My beautiful friend.

 Acia is so good with Aidan.  They always watch movies in our bed. I had to snap this pic of them passed out the other night. 

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