Thursday, July 21, 2011

Belmont Drive In

I struggled with a terrible migraine all weekend but I was determined not to let it ruin my two days out of the whole week I get to spend with my boys.  In the end, that caught up with me and my head was absolutely pounding to the point that I couldn't sleep Sunday night but the time I got to spend with Adam and Aidan was well worth the pain!

So I promised that I had a great summer thing for you to do if you live in the Charlotte area.  Have you ever been to the Belmont Drive In?  We went for the first time this past Sunday and it was such a good time!  It's $4 for everyone over 16.  Under 16 is FREE!  So in other words, we got to see two movies for a total of $8!  They play a double feature!  For $4 a person! That's less than we spend for one person at the theatre!

The "box office" opens at 7 and we were the first ones in line.  We didn't know what to expect and we wanted the best spot.  By recommendation of the young man taking our money, we pulled in the first row right in the center of the HUGE screen.  The movie didn't start until well after 9 but the nice thing is, there are tons of kids and they all convene in the middle of the field in front of the screen and throw the football, kick the soccer ball and just engage in lots of old fashioned, simple, fun.  Lucky for me, I had a Frisbee in my trunk so Adam threw that around with Aidan to get past the shyness he was experiencing at first.  Ten minutes later it was like he didn't even know us.   He was filthy and sweaty by movie time but happy as a clam.

We had seen online that they had food and they encourage people to eat there rather than bring their own because that's how they make their money.   We are all for supporting small/family owned businesses.  Adam came back from the concession stand with cheeseburgers, fried pickles (chips not spears) chicken nuggets for the kid and we enjoyed popcorn and candy during the movie.  The food was at best cheap concession stand quality but who is really there for the food anyways? Let's settle on, it's edible and popcorn is popcorn.  And there's no tax!

This was my first experience at a Drive-In so I really had no idea what to expect as far as watching the actual movie.  I threw a few blankets and pillows in the car prior to pulling out of the driveway and I'm so glad I did.  Although this weekend (yup we're going back) I will go heavier on the blankets so the three of us will be more comfortable in the back of the car.  Did I mention we backed in to our spot and just opened the tail gate to watch? We brought chairs and set them up but this was a much better option.  Aidan really did think laying in the back of the car, outside, watching a movie was the coolest thing that ever happened to him. 

Overall, it was a ton of fun. Something inexpensive and outdoors for us to do!  I would highly recommend it. I'm not really sure what the hours are past the summer and as far as I can tell, they change the movie every week.  But don't hold me to that.  Check them out! Belmont Drive In.  Maybe we'll see you there!

These are terrible Droid photos...Sorry.

We'll call this photo, "Apprehensive Aidan".  He was checking out the scene and fresh off the nap train.
Adam finally taking some time to relax and I am sure after seeing this picture of his hair starting to curl, wishing he hadn't cancelled his hair cut this afternoon. Ha ha.
My handsome boy.

 Getting brave.  Headed to join in on some fun.
Frisbee with Dad.  I can't say enough how much I love these two together.  Adam was destined to be a Dad to this child.  They are a match made in father/son heaven. Hopefully their relationship will always be nothing short of exactly how it is now.

Snap shot of movie screen.

More Frisbee.  More movie screen.  More loves of my life.

The boys in the back of the Jeep.

Coming up I'm going to blog about some stuff readers have been emailing me about.   How we got Aidan to sleep through the night and his schedule type of stuff.  Hope everyone is having a great week! xo

1 comment:

  1. no way... the drive-in! It's perfect for a family night. My brother takes his crew all the time. Super fun summer memories! We will have to meet you guys there one night ;) That would be super fun too!
