Friday, June 24, 2011

To Our Adam

My sweet husband is always on my heart.  This week I was busy spending time celebrating Father's Day with him rather than blogging about it so this is obviously a little late.  But you know what they say..."Better late....."

When I was dreaming up the man I wanted to have children with there were so many things I wanted. I wanted a man that was as excited as I was to be given the gift of a child.  A man that would want the best for our family.  I wanted  a man that would be respected by our children and loved even more because of it.

What I didn't know was that I would want the man that fights me at night over who is going to climb in to bed with our son to get that last cuddle of the day in. Or the man that tears up along side of me when our son learns something new or does something that makes our hearts want to explode with pride.   I never knew I wanted the man that tells his child he loves him more times in a day than I would ever be able to count. 

But I got it all and the surprises that have come along with watching you grow as a Dad have been some of the best moments of my life.  I know I have the best man to make children with there is.  Sometimes I start to get jealous of the love you and Aidan have for each other and I have to stop myself and be grateful such a huge love exists between you two.  You have earned every ounce of extra love that child gives you.  You made my dream of becoming a mom come true and I will love you every day of my life for that. You were born to be a Dad and you do it so well.  We love you.

Happy Father's Day, Everyday

Linking Up With The Birthday Girl Today!  Happy Birthday Casey!!!

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  1. Awwww, what a heartwarming post!! He sure sounds like a keeper :)

  2. i know, sometimes i am thinking "hey it was me that carried you around for 9 months." LOL! a good daddy is a total blessing! :) newest follower. follow me back to my place!

  3. yay for sweet hubbies! You are blessed!!!
