Monday, June 27, 2011

Splash Park

If you are here in Charlotte then you know how incredibly hot it has been the past few weeks!!!  The air quality has been terrible and therefore we have spent a lot of time inside.  We have however tried to make it over to the splash park in my parents neighborhood a couple nights a week to burn off some of Aidan's energy and to cool him off a bit. 

Aidan loves the splash park.  He only lasts about 30 minutes and then he is pooped.  Just enough time for Adam and I too.  I can't pretend like sometimes we don't also wear our bathing suits and get in with him.

This could quite possibly be one of my favorite pictures of Aidan of all time.   I know I am biased  but he is just so freakin' cute.  And HAPPY!

He looks so old here.  I really wish he would stop growing.  It has surprised me how emotional I have been with him since he turned 4.  I feel like the time is flying by too fast.  When I get home from work everyday my whole focus turns to him.  Luckily he lets me hold him, kiss him, spoil him and he is just as anxious to get some QT in with me. 

What are y'all doing to keep cool?

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