Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cell Phone Photos from The Weekend

Lately it seems like my favorite thing to do is capture pictures on my phone.  It is so much easier than running and grabbing the camera.  Plus now that I have this fun little photo app, it makes it interesting.

I stayed home from work on Friday and Aidan and I spent most of the day with our feet up watching movies because I was really feeling terrible. I am so lucky that while he is so active and would never turn down the opportunity to run outside and play, he knows when I am down and out and is willing to just climb in to my lap and snuggle for the afternoon.  He also refills my water in the bathroom sink and checks my forehead ever 5 minutes to make sure I don't have a "beaver".

Adam showed up Friday night with this bike strapped to the top of his car.  Leave it up to my hubby to find a vintage tricycle on the side of the road.
It actually is pretty cute. I have no clue where we are going to store it or how much we will actually use it but it looks cool.  The basket on the back is perfect for trips to the farmers market!  Maybe when Aidan can keep up better on his bike we will take a ride over there just so we can show it off.  It's in great shape!

Saturday I was still under the weather but needed some fresh air.  
Our friend Mike picked Aidan up to take him to a birthday party so Adam and I had an entire afternoon to ourselves. We hardly knew what to do.  Adam was very patient and ran me all over the place to get some stuff for Aidan's upcoming birthday party and then we headed over to the driving range later that day.
As little interest I had in going, it actually was perfect. There are huge wood rocking chairs under cover to sit  and the place was dead so I even hit a few balls {in a long sundress}. I'm proud to announce I am a better "putter" than my husband.  If mini golf was taken seriously, I might be a force to reckon with.  Just sayin'.

Saturday night we grilled out with our friends Mike, Chelsea and Ryland.  Once we made it home, I put Aidan to bed and got to work on his invites.  They had to go out on Monday.  These pictures are a little fuzzy but they turned out so cute! I had Aidan pose in his Spiderman mask and make it look like he was shooting a web. Truth be told, he was so grumpy when we did it, I was happy he had to wear the mask to hide his real emotion.  I added the little "Aidan's Turning 4" to the picture in Picnik and edited it a little bit.  I sent it to Wolf Camera via Internet and picked it up the next day. 
I used Modge Podge to glue the picture to one side of the card stock and on the other side, I cut and glued this spider web scrapbook paper and then on top of that glued the party information.   The invite says "Aidan's Turning Four and We're Spinning a Web of Fun.  Please help us celebrate with our little Super Hero."   Adam picked out the silver envelopes and I had big plans to address them all in red and blue paint pens but the envelopes had a weird finish on them and it was bleeding.  I finished them off by sealing them with Spiderman stickers. From Aidan's collection of course.  Shhhh. He doesn't know.

Today is Aidan's last day of school.  I am being uber emotional about it.  He is another year closer to Kindergarten and a whole slew of feelings come with that.  I won't go in to all of that here.  I wanted to do something small for his teachers and the director of his program. I was room mom this year so I got the pleasure of working with them all closely on a few projects and grew to appreciate them more than I ever thought possible. I was writing out their Thank You notes tonight and started crying thinking about how wonderful they have been to Aidan this year. It was such a blessing to get them as teachers.  We love Ms. Courtney, Ms. Karin and Ms. Celeste!

For Christmas we went all out and bought them monogrammed picnic coolers, mani/pedi gift cards, stationery and some other fun stuff.  I was kind of at a loss as to what to get them for the end of the year gifts.  I decided on some summery shower gels,lotion  and lip gloss from Bath and Body Works.  Typically I am not in to that type of stuff for gifts but I put to together the gift bags of stuff my self and they turned out adorable.
Today is also Ms. Courtney's birthday so Aidan wanted to do something nice for her. I know some of the moms were going to buy her flowers and I thought that was a sweet gesture. I of course had to put my own spin on it. Aidan and I painted a pot with Aidan's hand prints and painted Happy Birthday around the rim.  I planted some purple petunia's in the pot. This way she can put them outside and they will last a little bit longer than a bunch of cut flowers.  I bought these little garden stakes in the $1 bin at Target and had no clue what I was ever going to do with them. I painted this one with some chalk board paint {you know I love that stuff} and just wrote Love, Aidan on it.  I think it's fun and cute and personal.  

So that about wraps up our weekend.  In cell phone photos. 
Can't wait to show you some more of my DIY projects I have been working on!!!
Happy Wednesday!

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