Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

Adam and I had a fabulous date night two weekends ago.  We were trying to think of the last time we went out just the two of us for an entire night and we couldn't remember.   We have gotten so used to taking Aidan everywhere because we get so much joy out of spending time with him and doing the little "firsts" with him.  It was time for a night out.  I typically don't like to ask family to watch Aidan because everyone always does so much for us anyways {even though I know they would be more than happy to} and we had a really great babysitter when Aidan was born but she moved to Colorado and I haven't found anyone who compares to her just yet...BUT my mom offered let Aidan have a sleepover with them.  He was so excited.  Maybe not as excited as my Dad was but close.

We did a little Christmas shopping then had dinner at an oldie but goodie, Village Tavern and then decided to take in a movie.  I was really surprised when Adam suggested seeing "Love and Other Drugs".  I think he was trying to be sweet. 

It may surprise you to hear that I am not a huge Anne Hathaway fan but Jake Gyllenhall is a whole different story! Haha.  The movie was actually really cute and not totally predictable.  And I have a new found love for Anne.  We both really enjoyed it and agreed it was the perfect date night movie.  Be prepared for tons of nudity and a few tears.

After the movie we stopped and had a drink and then came home to an empty house.  It was a lot of fun but by the time morning rolled around, we were seriously ready to get our hands on our little man.   We are just crazy about him.  My parents had the best time with him.  My mom said she slept in the guest room because Aidan wanted to cuddle with his Grandpa all night.  Apparently when Aidan woke up at 3am wanting to watch cartoons my Dad obliged.  Only at the grandparents.   He had blueberry pancakes for breakfast and when we showed up to bring him home he didn't want to leave.  

Needless to say, the night was a success for everyone.  Adam and I have decided after the holidays we are going to spend some time looking for a new sitter so that we can have regular date nights.   We are hoping to sign up for some cooking classes together, get in some shows and try out some new restaurants. If anyone has good date night suggestions...send them my way!!!  

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