Monday, December 27, 2010

It Was a Merry Christmas

I am sitting here on the sofa, legs across Adam while he's watching TV, staring out the window {and typing, what a multi tasker I am} at the white snow everywhere.  I can't believe that we had a white Christmas this year!

We had a magical day yesterday.  We woke Aidan up and he was absolutely adorable running in to the living room to see what Santa had brought him the night before.  He was a little disappointed that Santa himself was not in the living room but after a little chat about that, he resumed opening his little gifts.

After that we headed to my parents for lots more presents and pancakes {a Deb Decot specialty}.  My parent's are so incredibly generous and everyone got so much enjoyment out of being with Aidan this Christmas.   Sharing Christmas with him is like being a kid all over again.  We all sit and wait to see how excited he'll be with each present he opens.

Then it was time to head to Dallas, NC where we spent a few hours with Adam's parents and extended family.  His Aunt Judy hosts the ENTIRE family for Christmas every year.  There were probably 30 of us there! It's pure Christmas craziness but it's really the only time of year we get to see that side of the family so we love to go.  Plus Judy can seriously cook.

We were back on the road by 5 to meet my brothers back at my parents for a big dinner and more merriment.   By the time the night was done, and our belly's were full,  it had started to snow and we were happy to get home and snuggle up in our warm beds.   It really was a very Merry Christmas and we are just so so incredibly blessed.  We truly have the best family and a wonderful little life.

{And now an absolute Christmas photo overload}

My husband spoils me always.  Especially at Christmas.  This picture is to just to show you how good of a wrapper he is. 
Aidan may still be sleeping here. We had to wake him up on Christmas.

He had to re hydrate.  Opening presents is no easy job.  Aren't his Christmas jammies the cutest?

Love that little smile.

Adam bought him a transformer.  NONE of us can figure out how to transform it.

 Watching Adam take two and half years to get Buzz Lightyear out of his box.
 My mom's tree. Her first fakey.  Not too shabby.
The watch "the kids" bought my mom for Christmas. She always complains that she can't see her numbers. Now the people walking by will also be able to tell time.  Watch found here @ Mix.  It is TW Steel.

 Present after present. He got WAY too much stuff. Next year we are putting a limit on it!
We saved the best present for last...his big gift from Santa. This was the only thing he asked for.  A Red Ro Reeler or a Red Four Wheeler.  He has seen Adam ride his and of course wants everything Daddy has.  I did a ton of research and found this battery operated one and it's great.   We were feeling terrible when he initially walked out in to our lliving room he looked right at us with tears and his eyes and said "guys, I think Ho Ho forgot my red ro reeler." Luckily, I had a "note" from Santa stating there was a one more big present for him at Nana's.  Every box he opened he said "not my four wheeler".   It was pitiful.  He finally got it.  And he deserved that thing.  He is such a nice boy.

We hope you had a Merry Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. looks like a ton of fun! Happy to see you enjoyed your Christmas and your little man.
    I can't believe we had a white Christmas! Everything was so pure and white. Hope you guys were able to make a snowman or at least drive the new ride through the snow! ;)
    Blessings and hugs,
