Monday, November 22, 2010

You Can DIY Too!

I saw a little project that the Nester did a few weeks back and thought it was super cute.  I didn't think I would make one.  UNTIL I was cleaning up the laundry room tonight and found 1 blank canvas and 1 broken picture frame that I was formerly in love with.  

I painted the canvas with a color sample {I think Behr Toasted Wheat}I had in my shed and hot glued the frame to it.  Then I took an old pewter something a rather {honestly have no clue what you would call it} and hot glued it in the middle.  THEN, I cut some ribbon and and made a little bow to cover up the missing corner of the picture frame and VOILA...instant Laundry Room Art!

I put it on the far wall when you walk in the back door. Cute!!! 

And seriously it took me thirty minutes to make.  25 of those minutes were paint drying and hot glue warming up in the gun. 

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to The Nester for the great idea!

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