Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

***This was set up to post at midnight last night. Don't know what happened!!!

THANKFUL Thursday is back this week!

I have so much to be THANKFUL for this time of year and I love taking time out on Thursdays to share it with you all and hopefully you will share what you are THANKFUL for too.

First and foremost today I am THANKFUL for all of our Veterans.  Today is Veteran's Day.  Thank you to all of you that serve our country to provide us our Freedom.  I am eternally THANKFUL for you!

I am THANKFUL for our friend Vien who was able to at least get all of my pictures off of our old computer. I'm telling you, I was nervous there for a while that I would never see them again. Fingers crossed next week I will be telling you I am thankful he got the computer up and running again!

I am THANKFUL for the strength I have had recently to get in the gym and get some of the extra (theres a lot more than that) lbs off! I am starting to feel a little bit lighter.  I am also THANKFUL for the great women that work at the gym. They are so motivating!

I am THANKFUL for my friends this week.  They seriously keep me sane.  If I am having a bad day, a phone call to a girlfriend can turn it all around!! 

As always I am THANKFUL for Aidan.  Yesterday I thought he was going to cause me to start drinking heavily but we made it through the day and today he is sweet as ever.  Love that boy!

Adam.  I am so,so,so  THANKFUL for that man.  He's the world's greatest husband. It's crazy to me we lived blocks away from eachother our whole lives and never knew eachother.  The time we both could have saved!  He is helping me out with some DIY projects around here so I can get the knocked out before the holidays and I am so THANKFUL for that. 

I hope all of you have something to be THANKFUL for this week!  Thanksgiving is right around the corner...I can smell the food already!!!!! Happy Thursday!

 Link Up If You Want!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed the link up this week! It's been CRAZY and I completely forgot about it. Hopefully I will be back joining in next week :)
