Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday!!!

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are one of my favorite times of the year.  Mostly because it brings my family together and it reminds me of all I have to be THANKFUL for!!!  I have enjoyed my little Thankful Thursdays posts because they give me the opportunity to share with all of you what I am most Thankful for this time of the year.

Today I have to start by saying I am extremely THANKFUL for my mom, because when my computer crashed today, she let me come over and use hers so that I could get this post done!

I am THANKFUL for my family.  Family is there when all else fails.  We have been going through some heart wrenching trials of life around here and it always feels so good to know that at the end of the day when everything thing else goes wrong, you have your family. 

I am THANKFUL for Adam's job.  Everyday we turn on the news and we hear about unemployment rates and we talk to people who have tirelessly been trying to find jobs to support their families to no avail.   To know that for now Adam is safe in his job is such a blessing and we are so THANKFUL.

I am THANKFUL for this blog.  I think it has made be a better person.  I have read so many different stories and it has opened my heart to so many things.   I've read things that have caused me to cry tears of joy and tears of sorrow but all in all it's been the most rewarding experience.   I love taking the time to share a little bit of myself with the world and even get a little bit back in return.

On that note, I am THANKFUL for all my readers.  The few of you out there.  You keep me encouraged to keep it going.  It always seems that on the days like I feel there is nothing more to tell you, I get the sweetest email or comment just checking in on us.  Thank you.

I hope to be THANKFUL for the computer guru who is going to attempt to bring my sweet computer back to life tomorrow.   When you spend as much time on a machine as I have on that thing, you start to feel like you owe it something.   A trip to the dumpster is not what I had in mind.  Really I will be happy if they can salvage the last three years of pictures that I did not back up. 

I am always, always THANKFUL for Aidan. I read blogs written by women who's arms hurt to hold a child and I have a most precious one. He makes me laugh until it hurts and he loves me like no other. Just when I think I am doing all the teaching he turns around and shows me something I never knew.

Last, but never least, I am THANKFUL for my hubby.  He thinks I am crazy for driving ten minutes in the pouring rain to get this post done but he loves me none the less. Every day, all day, no matter what!

So that's it for me this week!  I really do hope someone surprises me and joins in on the Thankful Thursday posts!!!!  And I really hope this McLinky works because it's my first time ever using it!

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