Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving blog friends and family!!!!  I hope you all are enjoying your day with the ones closest to you.  It's a little rainy today in Charlotte but we are loving each other's company.  My parents took Aidan to the parade this morning while Adam and I laid around and watched some football (Go Pats!! But Tom please cut your hair already) and then we all met up for dinner around 4.  I was in charge of desserts and wanted to post the recipes for y'all.  I will do that in a post following this one.  For now to finish it off {although I was bad last week because of the lack of computer} here is my last Thankful Thursday in letter form to my little family...

Mom, I am so THANKFUL for you.  I don't even know where to start.  I guess the best way to put this is, I am THANKFUL for who you are.   Thanks for everything, everyday.   Best Friends Forever? Sounds good to me!

Dad, I am so THANKFUL for you.   You are right up there with mom as the world's best person ever.  Thanks for always being our rock.  I am so glad I am just like you.  There aren't many girls as lucky as me to have such a wonderful relationship with their father.
Bobby, I am THANKFUL for you.  Mostly because most of our life you did things that made me look really good. HA!  But seriously, your a great uncle and a great friend.   And you text me about my cheesecake today.

Jordan, I am THANKFUL for you.  Thankful that you still let me love on you like you are two years old.   I am THANKFUL that you are growing in to such a wonderful young man. It's a lot of fun to watch and it makes me so so so proud.

Aidan, my little man.  Is there anything I am more THANKFUL for?  I am THANKFUL for every moment of every day with you.  You are perfect.

Adam, Read above, except where it says little think big.  Wink.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! It's almost Christmas!!!!

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