Friday, October 15, 2010

Show Us Your Life-Offices

This week at Kelly's Korner we are showing off our offices.  Except I don't have an office.  When Adam and I moved in here and we were unaware of the fact that we were just months away from growing a baby we had an office.  It was my least favorite room in our house.  It was smack dab between our kitchen and the hallway leading to our bedrooms/bedroom and so people saw it all the time.  I tried to paint it this fabulous blue color and it turned out terribly.  The desk was cheap and there was tons of random paper everywhere.  Bad DIY bulletin boards leftover from high school hung on the walls and there was a Pottery Barn sofa that we just kind of stuffed in there because we didn't want to part with it but was way too big for the room.  It got to the point where I couldn't stand to go in there anymore.   I totally transformed it in to a guest/playroom for Aidan this year but that is for another post.

THIS POST is to show you some ideas of have about making a small closet office or taking some space from my laundry room to put a teeny desk and some storage shelves.  I have come to the conclusion that I do need somewhere to store our important paperwork for the house and it would be to my advantage to have a quiet area where I can pay bills, blog, write Thank You notes and whatever else I want to do in that space.  So here are some ideas of what I am thinking.  And I will probably literally go through every other post in hopes that I find some great ideas.

Ok I LOVE this.  I don't have any closets this big in my house {downfall of OLD home} and I would never take the door off because then Aidan could get to my stuff.  BUT the small desk and cute chair, printer cart and blue and white storage is dreamy.  Adam has promised a cute pendant light just like this one if I can find a closet to transform. 

This is probably more practical for my house.  Right now our closet in the playroom has that white closet organization system that everyone has.  There is a shelf that is about counter height that I could easily have a piece of wood or cut to put over it so my things wouldn't fall through the cracks.  I could paint the wood or cover it in a fun fabric and then put glass on it {too much work?}.   Anyways I could find an old counterstool and paint it really cute.  Then just use baskets to get organized and slide them right in to the already existing shelving. 

This would be the laundry room option.  I don't have this much space but this is pretty close to the color I am getting ready to repaint the laundry room and I know for sure I want a white desk with a file cabinet
to store my important stuff.

Ok, I am off to look for more ideas! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the idea of a closet office! Great idea and the pictures are cool!

  2. Keep lookin'! You'll find something that is perfect for you!
