Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Anniversary To My Man

  Today is the anniversary of the day you blessed me immensly by making me your wife.  It was such an amazing day, wasn't it? A beautiful wedding. I would have married you in the mud, in jeans, with no make up on. I just wanted to be yours so bad.

  When you asked me to marry you, I remember staring at that BIG ring in that little box and my life was flashing before my eyes.   I was seeing scenes from my childhood, a little freckle faced girl, dancing around dreaming about the man she would marry and suddenly I was just thanking God it was you.   Thanking Him for sending me such a strong, understanding, HANDSOME {who are we kidding you are the hottest man alive} giving, loving, loyal man.  Then I thanked him twice for letting us create our sweet Aidan together.

  You have changed my life. When I look at you, I can't believe I got so lucky. I love you more every time I lay eyes on you.  I am still excited everytime I hear your voice on the other end of the line, when you walk through the front door from work, when we reach a milestone in our relationship together. 
  If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing.  Not a thing.  It all brought me to you.  Thank you for loving me and for being the man I always dreamt about.   Happy Anniversary Baby!!

My Love Always, April

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Wish we could do the wedding all over again today!

    BTW, loved the slide show :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet letter and I love the slide show.

  3. Happy Anniversary April! I've been wanting to use Animoto but haven't gotten around to it yet...Very sweet slide show! Have a great week!

  4. Aw, happy anniversary! So sweet!
