Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Weekend in The Life of The Harvey Trio

Hey Y'all! Hope you had a great weekend! We sure did! Well except for that Panther loss today but at least the Pats won! Hey, I take what I can get!!! 

We have a great festival in the neighborhood every year called Festival in The Park.  I have been going every year since we have lived in Dilworth and now even though we live a neighborhood over, we still go and it's so much fun to take Aidan.  Friday night we invited our friends Mike and Chelsea and Mike's son Ryland to join us and we really had a great time.  

Chelsea eating a giant Sausage Dog. 

My sweet boy.
The boys enjoying some chicken tenders.
Buddies. Waiting in line to ride the ponies.
Having a discussion about cones.
Ryland getting ready to ride.
Aidan was all smiles.
Adam took over taking pictures.  That is why the following photos aren't that great. He hasn't exactly figured out the new camera.

Aidan and I.

When we got home, Aidan got right on the phone and called his Nana and asked her for a pony.  She thought that was hilarious.  Thankfully as much as they spoil him, they aren't crazy so I won't have to worry about having one of these guys in my back yard.  Haha!

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