Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Little Love of My Life

Dear Aidan,

I wanted to take a minute out of my little blogging life to write you a note.  To tell you that you are what makes this little blog so fun.  To tell stories of our life with you and to record the memories that we are so blessed to make with you.

I often lay in bed and I get a little weepy thinking about all the fun we are having that you will never remember.   Like how Daddy smiled the biggest smile ever when you came in to this world and how my heart skipped a beat the first time I met you.  And how those things still happen every day with you.  You are the light in our lives, the skip in our step. 

Everyday you do and learn new things and we look to each other so proud and we tuck away the memories to share with you in our hearts and another day comes and goes and you fill our lives with so much happiness.  We promise to tell you all about the funny things you did, the milestones you conquered and how you changed our lives and made us a family.   How you filled the spot in our hearts we never knew was empty.  And how the best times of our lives have been with you.

I love you little man.

Love, Mommy

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