Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Sort Of

I have so much going on right now I don't even know which end is up.  I have one million things to blog about but I don't even know where to start. 

Most importantly, my best friend Candace had her little boy Cole 2 weeks early.  I have about 5 blogs sitting in my queue about him but they are a jumbled mess and I need to take an hour to make his post just right. So be looking for that coming up.  But just so you know, he's perfect, Candace is a beautiful, wonderful mom and her husband is equally great at being a dad and I am so in love.

I haven't been able to work on my Nana's wing back chair because I haven't been able to coordinate a time to pick it up from my brother's house.  Or go to the fabric store to get my fabric.  I will tell you I saw someone make a slipcover out of a painter's drop cloth recently and I kinda loved it.

My living/dining room is a disaster and that absolutely drives me nuts. I  have a million design projects I need to be working on but I have put them on hold for family being in town, Cole's birth, enjoying my last few weeks with Aidan before he starts back to school, planning our Boston trip etc.  I literally have no window treatments, all my artwork, family photos are off the wall (from when we painted) and sitting on the laundry room floor in a pile because I want to buy some new stuff and we are moving so much around they will all get new homes (possibly at some one else's home).  Long story short, that area being a mess makes me feel like my whole house is upside down.  AND we are having the end of season softball party here so I have to get to work.

It's my birthday today too.  I'm the big 27.  I thought I was 26.  Don't ask. It's mommy brain (Jennifer you will learn all about that! ha ha)We are supposed to be getting dinner with friends to celebrate on Friday night but I can't slow down long enough to decide where I want to go.  I'm a huge fan of birthday's but I'm not that in to it this year.  I guess because I am so busy.  We are eating dinner at my parents tomorrow night and my mom got Polka Dot Bake Shop cupcakes so I am really excited about that.

I'm reading EAT PRAY LOVE and I want to talk to you all about that but sometimes I read 60 pages and I have no clue what I read because my mind is racing.  Sheesh!

So instead of this being a Wordless Wednesday I think that it is more of a What's Up With Me Wednesday.   I'll be back to my old self soon as soon as I can get organized!  Fun posts coming soon! Thanks for stopping by!  xoxoxo


  1. HaPpY BiRtHdAy FrIeNd! enjoy those yummy cupcakes!!! ;) Take a deep breath today, you deserve it!



    Holly N. Madugula
    Arlington, TX

  3. I was about to say... That was not wordless! But Happy Birthday blog friend!! Crazy, we're only four days apart!
