Monday, August 23, 2010

All True Stories

This is the first time I have ever blogged from my Blackberry. It's really small but at least now I know it can be done. Loading pics from here does not look like an option.

Every night Adam and I stay up really, really late. Like 3 or 4 am late. We don't do much. Well except eat goldfish crackers and laugh about how cute Aidan is. Well maybe there's other stuff. Every night.

Last week I bought Cranberry Juice Cocktail and OJ and mixed them. Adam said it was gross and at least five times since then I have caught him drinking this little concoction.

I was a little disappointed to find out Sookie is a fairy on True Blood tonight. Lame.

School starts in exactly one week from today. I am dreading Aidan going back to school. I have enjoyed him so much this summer that I may do some research on home schooling. I said maybe.

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