Monday, July 19, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture

A few weeks ago when the guys were here working on taking out the wall, Aidan stopped mid lunch to get out his tools and get to work with them.  He came out of his room and he looked hilarious (bless his heart) so naturally I had to snap a few pictures.

He doesn't even look like himself here. I think he looks like some kind of chunky zoo animal. I say that lovingly.
He's ready to work.  So ambitious. Maybe I'll ask him to start paying rent. Yeah right.  He can live with me for free forever. Seriously.
Nice PB&J, chocolate milk mustache going on here.

He is just presh.  He was so proud of himself he got all his gear on without any assistance.  He has been so in to helping everyone out these days.   It never gets old.  We just love him to death y'all.