Friday, July 2, 2010


Hasn't everyone been enjoying the hydrangeas that have been in bloom all over the city for the past month or so?  They remind me of New England.  Adam and I planted three hydrangea bushes last year and only one of them bloomed this year.  That's okay thought because I thought I had killed them last season.  I was happy to at least see them have leaves. We were visiting with his grandparents today and they have 4 huge bushes and I asked Adam's grandma if I could cut some from her bush.  She handed me her snips and said "have at it".  Sadly, most of them were near death from this heat but I know a little trick about hydrangeas so I brought them home and soaked them upside down in water until they came back to life.  I cut them and put them in this pitcher on the island in my kitchen.  They make me feel good.

I love this footed pitcher too.  Thanks Amanda. ; )
I wish I could have all purple ones.
Aren't the colors beautiful?
These are the blooms Adam cut for me off our our bush out front.  They are a sad color pink this season. They are almost white. I bought this pitcher at TJ's for $2.99 and it's the cutest thing.  These are by our TV in the living room.

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