Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Design Daydreams-Dining Room Edition Part 1

Tonight I wanted tacos for dinner. Adam wanted Chinese.  I wasn't around so he ordered Chinese and when I fessed up about my yen for tacos tonight he replied "I am sorry baby.  You know I always try to give you what YOU want."  He is and was dead serious. That man lives to please me and I love and appreciate him for it.  Which is how I know even though he says he likes the dining room without a big honkin' piece of china cabinet, I'll be getting one.

This is what I'm thinking about...

I wish this came in brown or black.  For the price I MAY consider painting it.  It doesn't look like much here but in the store they have it lit up on the inside and it really is beautiful.

I have no clue where this came from but I liked the idea of glass on the top and the two drawers.
This is from I really know nothing about that website but I've heard a lot about it recently so I did a little search and saw this.
I love the idea of buying an antique dresser from Craig's List and painting it but I don't know if it would be big enough to make the statement that I need.
This of course is Pottery Barn. What would my blog be without Pottery Barn? 
I almost bought this years ago for my dining room.  It has tons of storage and I love the idea of having a little bar in the middle. Because you know, in between play dates and poop I would like to have friends over to drink. Yeaaaah right.
Ok I just love this big RED china cabinet. Crate and Barrel makes it.  I was worried it might look bad in our dining room but the color of the wall it's on is VERY similar to our new wall color so it could be done.

So basically I want something with glass doors because I want to display all of that fun stuff I got for my wedding but have nothing else to do with.  I have also collected a few things myself over the years and I am slowly stealing things I love from my mom.  They all need a home. Drawers would be ideal too because I have lots of table linen but I can always buy some cute baskets to throw that stuff in. I am always open to suggestions (less expensive ones especially). I know so many of you read great design blogs (I just wish I had one) and see cool stuff all the time. So, send it my way!!!

This is probably going to be part of a series.   I need a new rug and some art!

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