Thursday, July 29, 2010

Copying the Copy Cat

I love this blog.  I am a pretty good at finding Copy Cat's of things I want without sacrificing quality but she's made a blog out of it.  I wanted to share with you my latest Copy Cat. 

I have being eyeing a Pottery Barn (surprise right) floor lamp for some time now.  I thought it would be a great addition to our new room. I loved the size of it and the detail. The only thing I didn't like was the price tag.   Lucky for my a found a solution to that.   Lucky for you if you too have a Home Goods in your area that has the lamp.

(I apologize for the bad picture. The lamp is not in it's final spot.)

Home Goods Wood Lamp WITH Shade $99.00!!!
I saved myself $110 plus shipping!!

For those of you that do not know, Home Good's is owned by Marshall's so if you have one of those, you may be able to find this lamp there as well. Happy hunting. Anyone else have an good Copy Cats?

1 comment:

  1. Darn you! I have that lamp dog eared in my :to purchase" file for the house!!!!! We might just have the same lamp!!! Let's take a trip to Home Goods for other goodies too! I can't believe I didn't know they were owned by Marshall's!!!!! Great find girly!!!
