Nickelodeon's Story Time Live was in town this weekend and I thought it would be fun to take Aidan on Sunday. He really doesn't watch too much TV but he is a fan of all four of the shows they highlight in the series. Ni Hao Kai Lan, The Backyardigans, The Wonder Pets and of course Dora The Explorer.
Adam had a softball scrimmage so I had planned to brave uptown without a stroller alone with Aidan. To my surprise, my dad called me early and asked if he could join us and that he would even pay for us all to go! Aidan is just as crazy about my Dad as I am so of course I jumped at the chance to spend the afternoon with him. I was honestly in shock he would want to go but he just wanted to spend some time with us as well. We had great seats. Front row of the balcony at Belk Theatre. Aidan was mesmerized by the whole thing. He could barely speak. Dora was the last one to come on stage and he did get up and dance a little. It is clear my parents spend a good amount of time with Aidan because even my Dad new the songs. I am pretty sure my Dad was on cloud 9 all day. Aidan wanted to hold his hand constantly and leaned up against him during the show. Afterwards we had planned to hit up Discovery Place's new exhibit but it was free to get in today so the line wrapped around the building. We are members so we just decided to wait to see it when it was a little less packed. Aidan loves riding the light rail so we took it home and Aidan got to play in the sprinkler at my parents house with my Mom while my Dad made home made pizza for dinner. It was a great Sunday.
I am so lucky that Adam and I have my parents. Adam has gotten so close with my family and he really looks up to my Dad which is really nice. Having them live only 7 blocks away is a huge bonus too. We are blessed to get to spend so much time with them and see they really enjoy Aidan.
Thanks for a great day DAD! Love you.
You are truly blessed, hun! I live less than 20 minutes away from my dad and it seems like we NEVER get to see him. I must admit, I am a tad bit jealous!