Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm a Lexus

I wish it were on a jet plane but (sigh) we are taking off in the big Lex SUV.  It's quite luxurious so I can't completely complain but the drive is 12 hours.  I have to keep reminding myself that this was MY idea. 
Road tripping with my my mom and son, stopping along the east coast to visit friends and family we never get to see, sounds like a blast right?   Of course. I just wish a private plane could take us to each stop.

Mr. Harvey (I like the sound of that) is embarking on an adventure of his own this weekend.  He is headed to West Virginia to go four wheeling with some of his friends for the weekend.   He is a mixture of excited and home sick already.  I think that's so sweet.  He IS the man that called me from his bachelor party and told me he wanted to come home.  What can I say? I take good care of my man! Anyways, he is packed and ready to go. Helmet, boots, bike, two pairs of underwear, tent, sleeping bag and his toothbrush.  Guys are so easy. I get sooo nervous about him being in the woods for three days with no communication.  Even though the ATV is a lot of fun, it can be super dangerous too. So if you remember, say a prayer he makes it home to us safely. I'm a huge worry wort. 

Our first stop tomorrow will be in Hagerstown, MD.  To stay with our dear friends the Smith's.   Before we moved to Charlotte, my dad took a job in Maryland for 11 months.  My brother Bobby and I, went to a small Catholic school (St. Mary's) with the Smith kids and our families became instant friends.  We have taken several family vacations together, one including the summer we spent in Italy. We can't wait to see Dr. and Mrs. Smith and some of the boys!

I do have an entire post to do about Aidan's birthday party but I didn't take any pictures and I am waiting on some from Hannah.  I will work on that when I return.    It was such a great weekend. 

I will be keeping up with my blogging from the road but I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

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