Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hubby's Weekend ReCap

I have two posts sitting, waiting to be published about Aidan's birthday party and our trip.  All I need are some photos to make them interesting but just to prove that my worrying is for a cause, Adam was involved in a wreck on his 4 wheeler this weekend in West Virginia.   Scariness. 

What I've got out of Adam (from what he remembers) is that he and his friend Matt were riding along the side of the mountain, Adam on the outside, and Matt lost control of his bike and it hit Adam's.  Adam made the choice to abandon his bike and apparently took a dive off the side of the mountain and he was followed by his bike which ended up landing on him and pinned him up against a tree. 

Luckily, he escaped with only a cut under his eye and two broken ribs. It could have been so much worse and I have already listed the 4 wheeler for sale on Craig's List.   He is most upset because his sunglasses were not recovered, they were smashed under his helmet. 

I swear he has been sleeping since I got home.  They gave him a Rx for pain and sleep because he is in so much pain.  I have to admit I am having trouble being totally sympathetic because I warned him that the 4 wheeler was dangerous. Even though he wasn't being reckless, you just never know what can happen.    I hate to say I told you so BUT...

So say a prayer that my hubby feels better.  He has to go back to work tomorrow.  I would imagine it's going to be a long day considering it hurts to breath.

If you look really close you can see Adam's bike.
The cut under Adam's eye.
Bruising on his shoulder.
Bruising on his ribs.  The rippling in Adam's skin is from a heat patch he has been wearing.


  1. oh my gosh!!! April, I'm so sorry to hear that!!! I can't even imagine how shaken up you must've been...I know I would've! I'm glad he's ok! Hope he fully recovers SOON!

  2. Poor Adam! That is so scary. I'm happy it wasn't more serious and I hope he gets better fast. Derek had a bike accident too while we were in Bald Head, so not fun.
