Saturday, May 8, 2010

What's Goin' On...

I feel like it's been a couple weeks since I posted about what we have been up to around here.  We have been so incredibly busy some days I don't know which way is up.  A random post about that.

Aidan is getting ready to end his first year in Pre School. He has enjoyed it so much I know he will be sad to have to be stuck with me all summer.  I have signed him up for day camp and some other things so he can at least see other kids.  Some of the mom's in his class have expressed interest in getting together for play dates so I am hoping he will get to keep in touch with some of his school buddies.

Adam is busy busy busy as always. He's been working in the yard a ton and his job is keeping him super busy as well.  We have really been enjoying our patio this season and grilling out almost every night. 

I am still working like a crazy woman to get ready for my girlfriend Candace's baby shower.  I still have so much to do but don't really mind because it's all so much fun and I am learning to do so much new stuff.  I could sew day and night I enjoy it so much. 

My youngest brother is home from Clemson for the summer and we have really been enjoying our time with him.  His girlfriend just headed back to school after spending a couple days with us. She is the sweetest (little) thing.  We were able to take the boat out for the first time this season. It was a great day. Aidan absolutely loves the boat.  We are hoping to convince my dad to buy a boat more conducive for the whole family.  Right now we have a 19' Boston Whaler that was at the house in Charleston and perfect for the river and ocean.  Now we need a big lake boat.  Please Dad? Preferably a Sea Ray like the old one. Haha.

My mom and I are trying to plan a trip to Massachusetts to see my Aunt Karen the second weekend in June.  Hopefully that will work out. I would love to see her and my uncle Bob and some other family there. Adam will be away on a four wheeling nightmare  camping trip so it would be a great road trip for she, Aidan and I.

I am working on several beach trips for the summer. I seriously would be happy being at the beach all summer but Adam has to work. Boo.  We did talk to my parents about renting a house (our house is rented for the yr.) for a month and my mom and I could stay the entire time and the guys could come on the weekends.  Sounds good to me!!!  Amanda we need to talk about our trip if you still want to go!

I have been having withdrawals from my mom. As I am sure I have told you all a million times in the past, she and I are together so much. Well, she just accepted a job with the 2010 Census for the next 8 weeks.  That's right, she's training the people that come to your door if you didn't fill out your Census form.  So needless to say, I only get to talk to her on the phone maybe once a day and only see her once on the weekends. She called me tonight to tell me how much she was missing me. I was glad I wasn't the only one struggling!

That about sums up what's going on around here and what we will be up to in the next couple of months! I have a ton of pictures of sweet Aidan to post there just aren't enough hours in the day!

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