I actually cleaned my house today. Ok, truthfully, my mom did most of the work, but I helped. She just cleans like 20 times faster than me. I guess when she comes over to our "shack" it seems so much easier to clean than her almost 5000 sq ft house. Whatever the reason, I am in such a better mood now that the laundry is caught up and I can't see dust bunnies underneath the
I was doing so well not whining about being sick because I was trying to prove a point. UNTIL, last night and it all came crashing down and I cried for 20 minutes.
UPDATE: So, I started this post Thursday night of last week and well I had jinxed myself. Saturday morning I found myself in the ER wondering if i was going to make it through the day. Adam really wanted to come with me but I was adamant about just going, waiting it out, seeing a Dr and coming home.
The story goes a little like this. I was previously being treated for a different kind of strep that I had. So, although the Prednisone made me feel like a champ for about a day, my strep was in full force Saturday morning and my throat was so swollen I got a shot of a steroid. I got new drugs for my strep and now sinus infection. I was feeling a million times better by Sunday morning.
Sunday we even went out to a friend of ours property in the country and I rode on the back of Adam's 4 wheeler. Thankfully he only drove about 5 miles per hour but at that speed I was on the verge of anxiety attack. I had to be able to say I tried it once. Aidan and I enjoyed the breeze under the huge trees and skipped rocks through the creek. The men rode the ATV's and did some work on the property. It was a nice afternoon. I am glad to be almost back to myself. I have missed my blogging and although I feel like I should have so much to tell you, I literally was just miserable last week and did nothing.
I have a busy week ahead so I will let you guys in on all of that fun stuff as it happens!!! Enjoy your week and thanks for still reading! xoxox
Glad to hear you're getting better! Hope this week goes better than the last!!