Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miracle Drugs

I don't want to jinx it, but I think I'm getting better.  I have been on Prednisone for about 18 hours now and I feel like a new person.  Well a new person with post nasal drip and the sick man voice I mentioned in my previous blog post.  

I actually cleaned my house today. Ok, truthfully, my mom did most of the work, but I helped.  She just cleans like 20 times faster than me. I guess when she comes over to our "shack" it seems so much easier to clean than her almost 5000 sq ft house.   Whatever the reason, I am in such a better mood now that the laundry is caught up and I can't see dust bunnies underneath the dresser that houses all of Adam's clothes and the TV  entertainment center while I am confined to the sofa.  

I was doing so well not whining about being sick because I was trying to prove a point.  UNTIL, last night and it all came crashing down and I cried for 20 minutes. 

UPDATE: So, I started this post Thursday night of last week and well I had jinxed myself. Saturday morning I found myself in the ER wondering if i was going to make it through the day.  Adam really wanted to come with me but I was adamant about just going, waiting it out, seeing a Dr and coming home. 

The story goes a little like this.  I was previously being treated for a different kind of strep that I had.  So, although the Prednisone made me feel like a champ for about a day, my strep was in full force Saturday morning and my throat was so swollen I got a shot of a steroid.    I got new drugs for my strep and now sinus infection.  I was feeling a million times better by Sunday morning.

Sunday we even went out to a friend of ours property in the country and I rode on the back of Adam's 4 wheeler.  Thankfully he only drove about 5 miles per hour but at that speed I was on the verge of anxiety attack.  I had to be able to say I tried it once.  Aidan and I enjoyed the breeze under the huge trees and skipped rocks through the creek.  The men rode the ATV's and did some work on the property.  It was a nice afternoon.  I am glad to be almost back to myself.  I have missed my blogging and although I feel like I should have so much to tell you, I literally was just miserable last week and did nothing. 

I have a busy week ahead so I will let you guys in on all of that fun stuff as it happens!!!  Enjoy your week and thanks for still reading! xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're getting better! Hope this week goes better than the last!!
