Thursday, May 6, 2010

Late Night

I am finally getting a few minutes to myself and it's 1:26 am.  I can't complain, I love my life but whew I'm a busy girl. 

I prepared a meal for the family of the little boy in Aidan's class that lost his dad on Good Friday. I cried making the whole thing.  Adam was rubbing my back as I was laying out lasagna noodles.  I just kept saying over and over "I couldn't live without you, this poor, poor woman and Patrick is so young."  My heart is just hurting so bad for them. I can't even think about it without crying. I can't fathom what it must be like to get in to an empty bed at night.  I don't know if I updated y'all or not but Sean passed away from the Swine Flu! Can you believe it?  I was shocked to find that out.  Something that could have been totally prevented had it been caught in enough time.  I am the worst when it comes to saying the right thing when someone is grieving like this.  I wrote Cathy a little note and wanted to apologize ahead of time for my terrible cooking but she probably wouldn't think it was funny right now. 

I emailed some friends I don't get to talk to often.  It's so hard to have close friends far away. In a perfect world, all of my girlfriends would live in the same place, we would all get along and go everywhere together. The world is not perfect.  I also got to talk to a girlfriend from high school that I used to be really close with that is expecting her first baby. I can't name names because I don't think she is telling the world yet but she called me for some advice. I felt special and it was so good to hear her voice. 

I cannot believe it is already Thursday. Obviously I am looking forward to the weekend but I had every intention of meeting my friend Fizz (Meredith) for lunch this week and the days have just flown by.  Rain check for next week Fizz.  TCBY this weekend??? 

What the heck is everyone doing for Mother's Day?  I am clueless as to what I should do for my mom.  I had intended to get her a gift certificate to have new family photos taken but that might have to wait.  If anybody has some cute ideas, send them my way! Hope you all have a great Thursday!!! Hugs.  

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