Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Complicated -Design Daydreams

Have y'all seen this movie yet??   Adam and I watched it the other night.   I gotta tell you,  Adam was bored.  I couldn't get past how gorgeous Alec Baldwin's wife is in the movie.  Seriously though, it was alright.  Best part of the whole movie was Meryl Streep's house.  Adam and talked about it all day today.   A photo montage...

Dream HOUSE!!  I love that it is one floor. I have gotten so used to living in a ranch.  We love the landscaping, Spanish tile roof and swing.
The Kitchen.  You will have to see the movie but our favorite part is how you can see all the way from the kitchen through the dining room in to the living room. We are huge entertainers and we would love to do it more but our house in not conducive to it.   We also love a house that looks lived in and comfortable. 
The wood beams on the ceiling are amazing.  Adam and I daydream about owning a house with a living room that looks EXACTLY like this.  The furniture is even our style.

The Master Bedroom.  I loved this room but this is more of a guest room for me. I am a larger scaled furniture/master bedroom kind of gal. Adam agreed.  Big. Huge. Four. Poster. Bed. Please.  The colors and textures throughout the whole were perfect.
Master Bathroom. Double sinks. Check. Claw foot tub. Check. That's all I need.
Last but not least. The garden.  Holy garden perfection. The entire property was just amazing. 
The house alone was worth the movie.  Meryl Streep helps too. I love her. She is an amazing actress. Alex Baldwin. Ehh.  Really it was cute.  It was realistic. Even though you work and work and work, sometimes too much has happened to save a relationship.  If anyone has some extra cash and wants to give it to me, I will be building this home. Thanks in advance. xoxo

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