Saturday, May 22, 2010

Design Day Dreams-I Want to Make Over My Master Bedroom

There is no way anyone thinks it crazy that I want to make over another room in my house.  I get bored easily around here.  My creative juices are out of control.   Typically I like to find an "inspiration room" and work from that.  Here is my inspiration room:
(Decor Pad)
Our Master Bedroom is a quarter of the size of this room and I would like to use things I already have.  I am all for refinishing and moving things around.  I need some new window treatments and would like a floor length mirror on the wall like the one in the corner here. 
First up on my list though is redoing an ornate frame to hang our flat screen TV in the center of.   I have been scouring Craig's List for the perfect frame.  I may just have to wait until Michael's or Hobby Lobby have a frame sale. 
This is an idea of what it would look like:

I have my work cut out for me but I am looking forward to doing it and doing it on a HUGE budget.  I will post as I go.  I just have to get through this baby shower this weekend, Aidan's party next weekend and our trip to Massachusetts the following week.  Then Master Bedroom Make Over Summer 2010 is ON!

1 comment:

  1. Love all your ideas as usual but girl I just looked at the time stamp on this post and I have to say, "GET SOME SLEEP!" ; )
