Friday, April 23, 2010

Show Us Your Life Fridays-How I Met Adam

I am thoroughly annoyed with my computer tonight. This is my third attempt to post this. I am sure there is some user error involved but I have deleted this post 3 times now! I am sure people are tired of seeing my name on Kelly's list.  I did want to share with y'all how I met my hubby though! 

Anyways, this week at Kelly's Korner the topic for Show Us  Your Life is How You Met Your Husband/Fiance. 

My story is short and sweet.  I dated a guy for four years and we broke up. I dated all the wrong guys for about a year afterwards.  I was convinced I was never going to find someone to truely love me.  I was feeling sorry for myself and needed a change of scenery.  So, I started hanging out with some of my brother's friends.  I knew some of the guys and they were nice so I figured what the heck.  They ended up being just what I needed.

My best friend Amanda started dating one of my brother's friend's Mike around Christmas. The three of us made plans one night to get drinks and Adam joined us.  He was extremely sweet but I wasn't interested at all.  I was border line rude to him honestly. I was so scared to get hurt.  

Boy Meets Girl

New Years rolled around and we decided we would go to a party at our favorite local bar.  Adam showed up with our friends.  I found myself standing around wanting to talk to him so I just went for it.  Thankfully he had forgotten that I was less than friendly a few weeks prior.  I instantly had a huge crush. I fought the relationship for quite a while until one day my parents door bell rang and Adam had sent me flowers.  The card read "Just something to make you happy like You make me."  My mom looked at me and said "You've got to give him a chance."  Once I let my wall down, the relationship was and still is, so easy.  I felt more comfortable with him in a month that I did in 4 yrs with my ex.  I knew this had to be good. He made me feel amazing.

This is the only picture on my computer from that New Years Eve.  Adam is on the left.  In the corner.  Haha.
Very early in our relationship.

I was his first serious girlfriend. Isn't that crazy?  He tells me that's how he knew I was "the one".  He could see himself with me forever.  He had planned on asking me to marry him at a Red Sox game the weekend my cousin Brianne was getting married in Boston.  My mom, randomly brought up how terrible it is when people get engaged during other peoples weddings (because it can steal their thunder) and so Adam decided he would just do it a few days before our trip.  My dad was holding the ring for him for three months!!!  He asked me to dinner one night and popped the question in the car!   It was perfect and so unexpected!! I was in shock.  Later we found out my dad proposed to my mom in the car. I thought that was sweet.  I could not believe my mom and dad had been holding the ring for that long and hadn't looked at it. My mom said she didn't think it was fair to see it before me.

I consider Adam to be such a huge, huge blessing in my life. I can't imagine not being married to my best friend.  He's my biggest fan.  I am honored to be his wife and grateful he chose me.  He's an incredible man and a dream husband.  I love you babe.  xoxo

This Song really hits home for me when I think about our relationship.   Well really, I cry everytime I hear it.  I can't wait to read everyone else's story's and I apologize for posting this so many unsuccessful times on Kelly's Blog. Hopefully this will be the last time!

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