Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pink Eye, Burp Cloths and Spike

I feel like I have been out of the blogging world for so long! I have been so busy getting ready for Candace's baby shower all I really have time to do shower and sleep.  Seriously. I was sewing until 4am this morning and I would have gone longer but my needle broke on my sewing machine!!!  It was a sign I needed sleep. 
This is what I've been working on...
That's only half of them.  Cloth diapers made in to the cutest burp cloths you'll ever see.
Aren't the fabrics adorable? I am almost positive I am starting an Etsy shop.  I am loving sewing and I've been making tons of stuff.  I'll have to do a whole post soon. If anyone a set of burp cloths for a friend having a baby, let me know. I can get girly fabrics as well!
My poor baby had pink eye this week.  That's what I get for sending him to school with all those kids and germs. Haha. JK. It happens. 
Aidan still fits in to a couple of 24 month onesies and I loooove to put him in them for bed.  They make me feel like he is still a baby.
Cutie patootie. Eating a Popsicle. 
His allergies have been pretty bad this week too.  He has spent a lot of time lounging on the sofa.  I tried to snap a pic of our new kitty lounging with Adam while Aidan sleeps. You can BARELY see him in the bottom right corner. We named him Spike and he's a great kitty.

I hope everyone is having a great week!!!  xoxo

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