Friday, April 9, 2010

The Club

My best girlfriend Candace is well on her way to be an official member of the Mommy club. (You know the one where you talk about poop at least once a day). Today, I met with her sister to discuss our plans for her upcoming baby shower in May. I think Can is entirely too tired when she gets home from work to even worry about reading my blog but just in case, I can't reveal to many details.

I can tell you this...we are having so much fun planning it and it is going to a fabulous day to celebrate another miracle from God being welcomed in to this world in just a few short months. And blog friends, I can't wait!!!!

If my blogging slows down a bit, it's because the time I was taking to blog, is now being used to prep for the shower. We are making a ton of stuff homemade so there is lots to be done. I can't wait to be able to share with you all the big day! As a matter of fact, I need to get off of here and bust out my sewing machine. Oy vey.

Also, I have to tell you, I got to meet baby Van for the first time today and OH. MY. GOODNESS. I was soooo excited Melissa asked me if I wanted to hold him. My baby fever was in full force when I left. All he does is smile and his eyes...oh his baby blues are tooo precious. I got to feed him a bottle and I seriously daydreamed about holding a new baby of my own all afternoon. Thanks Melissa!!! He made my day!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! You're too sweet! Van loved you and I think another baby is the best idea EVER!!!!
