Sunday, March 21, 2010

Aidan Arm Pictures

We are scheduled to see our Dr. tomorrow and we are hoping that Aidan will get his cast off! It's not likely that he will come home without a cast but he should get a cast change and I am dying to clean his arm. I have been making him drink tons of milk in hopes his bone heals fast. Haha. He has been such a good sport. I think he thinks he is stuck with the cast forever. Poor guy. Anyways, here are some pics of him from the past week.

His cast doesn't fit in his coats so we zip it in the coat. Those are rain boots with shorts.

The worst part about the cast is the sleeping for him. He has been falling asleep on Adam and I and then we move him in his room. He honestly would rather be in his own bed but he just can't seem to get comfortable.

One night after his bath. He wears my brother Bobby's jersey's from when he was little to bed. They are the only thing that will fit over the big arm!

The bag on the cast before bath time. He is really good about holding his arm up the entire time so I can wash him and his hair. I'm sure he is looking forward to being able to play with his toys in the tub soon.

We were outside enjoying the nice weather the other day and I snapped the photo of him. Such a handsome boy!!! I cannot believe how big he is getting!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! xoxo

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