Monday, March 29, 2010
$3 You are ruining my L I F E!!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Aidan's First Sleepover
Anyways, Adam informed me Mike said when the boys where done hanging out he would drive him home (they literally live a block away). Hours went by and then I get this text "The boys are having a really good time. I asked Aidan if he wanted to have a sleepover and he said yes. Is that cool with you." I think my heart fell out of my chest. To make it worse we had some other friends over for a cook out and they all saw me slowly fall apart. I am sure they thought I was nuts.
So I packed up some pajamas, his blankie and some clean diapers and headed up to Mike's just SURE that Aidan would come home with me. I even packed home made rice krispie treats. When I walked through the door, I got a "Hey Mommy" and that was about it. No hug, no kiss. A half wave and he was gone again.
I got his attention long enough to change his diaper and asked him 500 times if he was sure he wanted to stay. He said yes every time so I took off and cried the block home. Mike called at about 10am and he came home. I got my hug and kiss and he even said he missed his Dada. And just like that, he's spent the night at a friends and everyone knows not to ask him to do it again until he's at least 10. =)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hold You

Thank you God for this child. He is perfect for us.
Baby Cole's Nursery
Lucky for me, I am always available to do fun things with Candace to get ready for the baby. Last weekend we did her registry (I tell ya, they have already come out with a ton more stuff then when I was pregnant). I made sure she registered for all the necessities and she is fully responsible for the crazy amount of baby blue onesies on there. You just get crazy when you are this excited!!!
We picked out the cutest bedding at Pottery Barn Kids. She's lucky enough to have a big sister that just had a baby boy in December so she is very helpful as well. She put the idea of Elephant's in Can's head and well I'm so glad she did because we found the world's cutest Elephant crib bedding. It looks amazing in her crib too!

We painted the nursery last weekend and it turned out so handsome. It's a nice cool, calm blue color. When I painted Aidan's nursery, I picked out the color Bibbidy Bobbidy Blue from the Disney Paint line and I loved it for the exact same reason. The color of Cole's nursery is Harbor Blue from the Pottery Barn Kids by Benjamin Moore line.
We are checking big things off of her list. I am currently most excited about this antique dresser we bought tonight to refinish to put in the nursery. We are thinking we will paint it an ivory color and make it look distressed with a walnut stain. The picture doesn't do it justice. It is 48" long!!! The drawers are huge and will look adorable when we find the perfect drawer liners. Candace is going to put her changing pad on top rather than doing a changing table. I love the idea of redoing antiques for nursery's. Next time I have a baby this is what I wanted to do so in the mean time, I'm happy I can live through Can doing it. We only paid $150 for this beauty!
We are thinking about these knobs for it.

This is her rocker... We bought it at the Pottery Barn Outlet with pink cushions on it before we knew what she was having. We couldn't pass it up it was such a great deal! Thankfully, Candace's mom is quite the seamstress so she is making a slipcover for the cushions.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Show Us Your LIfe - Cleaning Tips

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's Making Me Sick
Sandra: Babe, can you believe I won an Oscar?
Jesse: I slept with someone else.
I mean he mouthed I love you to her when they announced her nomination at the Oscars and she said I love you back. Then you made a mockery of your relationship a week later. So, so sad.
I honest to God doubted him so much in the beginning. I have always loved her. As the years started to pass by and you would never see them in gossip mags or plastered all over TMZ, I figured I should feel bad for assuming he was a sleaze.
For once, I didn't want to be right.
And seriously guys, do you think you aren't going to get caught? Seriously?
H2O Heater
Now on to the problem at hand...Holy Shmokes something has to be wrong with our water heater. You used to be able to shower a football team before it would get cold in there. Amanda, agree?? Well, all of a sudden, since Mariann was in town...the shower gets cold during the first shower!!! I'm not talking like at the end of a twenty minute shower it's time to get out, I have to decide if I want to condition my hair or shave my legs. There is no time for both. Tonight for instance, I tried to beat the clock and now only one leg is shaved and the other one is already growing back from goose bumps because I was shaving it under ice water.
Adam is pretty handy and as far as he could tell, the water heater was working just fine. We purchase a new one about 1.5 years after we moved in to the house but that still only makes it, 2.5 years old. I called a plumber. Well let me just tell you what that guy had to say...
Enter plumber:
"Well I see here that you twos purchased one of the those fancy shmancy Energy Saving gas water heaters. Now let me tell you somethin' bout it. I have checked it out, I mean really checked it out and she's lookin good I tell ya. Can't really see anything too wrong with her at this point. I find that people with bigger homes...up, nope your home isn't too big, ok ok ok mmm hmm. I also find that sometimes the water heater isn't wrapped...up, well someone sure did wrap this girl up real nice, she's well insulated for sure. Ok ok ok...mmm hmmm. Welp, I don't really know what else to say. She's works like a charm. Here's ya bill. You can pay me now or mail it to me. Folks, I hope she straightens up for ya. God Bless ya.
Exit Plumber.
Me: What did he just say.
Adam: That'll be a hundred and fifty bucks and you need to find a way to shower in 4 minutes or less or your ass is going to freeze.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Living Room Make Over

These are my pillows....
The blue one.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Aidan Arm Pictures
One night after his bath. He wears my brother Bobby's jersey's from when he was little to bed. They are the only thing that will fit over the big arm!
The bag on the cast before bath time. He is really good about holding his arm up the entire time so I can wash him and his hair. I'm sure he is looking forward to being able to play with his toys in the tub soon.
We were outside enjoying the nice weather the other day and I snapped the photo of him. Such a handsome boy!!! I cannot believe how big he is getting!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! xoxo
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I'm Still Alive...
Tonight both (gasp) of my brothers came for dinner and we (huge gasp) even all sat and watched a movie together afterwards. Tears come to my eyes thinking about it. It's so hard to get all of us in one place. Aidan was in heaven and well considering Adam and my brother Bobby were friends long before we even knew the other existed and Jordan just completes the threesome perfectly, he enjoyed their company as well. The boys grilled and I made cupcakes for dessert. 24 of them and there are now 3 left. That's what you get when you have four boys eating I guess. Yes, Aidan ate a fair share. So, that's what I've been up to. I will be back when (tear) Aidan returns to school next week. Or when I have something I just can't live without telling you about! xoxo
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sicky McSickerson
Thankfully, my mom came and took Aidan for the day. I don't know what I would have done without her. I could barely move. She and Aidan went to the movies and ran some errands. Then she brought him back here and folded all my laundry! Isn't she great?
I had a little cry when Adam got home because I felt so guilty that Aidan is so needy of my time with his broken arm and I literally had to tell him to please leave me alone yesterday. He snuck in our bedroom to get kisses every couple of hours. I will be amazed if he doesn't get the bug. So far no signs of it.
I am most bummed because today is the day my BFF Candace finds out if she is having a boy or a girl and I was supposed to help her decorate her nursery for a gender reveal party she is having tonight. Doesn't look like I will be attending. I wouldn't want to get anyone sick. I honestly don't even feel like getting out of bed yet. I've been attempting to straighten my hair for two hours now. Half of my head is finally done. I was going for the sick yet still pretty wife thing for Adam. What a joke.
One last thing, I tried to watch Precious last night On Demand. If you are nauseous do not watch this movie. I barely made it to the part where she throws up fried chicken in a trash can. When she started eating hairy pigs feet and a mound of mac and cheese, I had to shut it off. I could not tell you what the movie was about because I spent the rest of my night trying to get those images out of my mind.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! xoxox
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wish List Wednesday

The Malm sofa table from Ikea.

And lastly a private concert by this guy in my backyard on a perfect southern summer night so my hubby and I can dance around under the huge oaks covered in little white lights.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Aidan Update
As usual they asked me what happened and I explained that I wasn't exactly sure, and everyone looked at me like I abuse my child. Not the best feeling in the world. I explained that he does still seem to have some pain and we talked about switching out his cast for a lighter one. After going back and forth we decided to stick with the one he has on to prevent the trauma of having a saw cut this one off and then another one in 4 weeks. They wrapped it in a soft material that will keep him from pulling anymore of the cotton out of the top and it won't be so rough on his skin.
He was very chatty with his Dr's and with the exception of asking to hold me (aka he wants to be held) he stood up and let them look over the cast and answered some of their questions. He was able to squeeze the Dr's finger and give us a thumbs up so that is all good.
We are hoping that when goes back for x rays in two weeks the fracture will have healed and we can go in to a brace for the remaining 2 weeks and then be done. If there seems to still be some swelling around the bone, they will put another cast on at that time. At least that one would be lighter. Aidan doesn't always want to wear his sling and I catch him holding the arm above his head. I am assuming to try to redistribute the weight because it hangs down on his side.
There was brief talk about some of his ligaments being damaged due to the nurse maid's elbow (dislocated elbow that caused the break) which may result in surgery. Please, please, please pray this is not what we find when we go back in two weeks. We agree with his Dr's that he has been through enough trauma at this point (remember they moved his broken arm around all day Saturday before they knew it was broken OUCHIE) and surgery would be no fun.
I have really been torn with my time since this happened. Aidan is very needy and I have just kind of put my life on hold for a couple of days. I know it sounds silly but we are just trying to help him understand what's going on and helping him operate with the one arm. He has also had the problem eating and has a little cold that brought on a fever a few nights. He missed a play date today with his friend Kate and he was very disappointed. He knows he has school tomorrow and really wants to go. I am a little hesitant to send him and put the responsibility of the arm on his teachers. I guess we will see how he feels in the morning.
Thanks for checking in on our little man. We hope everyone had a great Monday!
I took this picture yesterday and I think it is so funny because Aidan was kind of down in the dumps and I said "Aidan can you give Mommy a big smile for the camera" and this is the face he gave me. Love that child so much.
Layla Grace
She is at the end of her short life and is in need of some serious prayer. Please pray for her and her family. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be going through this with a child. My heart breaks for her parents.
Her parents are updating their twitter account @laylagrace often if you would also like to follow them there.
Thank you for taking the time to pray for this angel.
Monday, March 8, 2010

82nd Academy Awards
I did make it in time to see the second half and I really only cared about the last four awards anyways.
Jeff Bridges won for Crazy Heart. I apparently need to see this movie. He sounded spaced out. You know in enough time to have something planned to say when you get up there.
Adam and I saw the Blind Side and loved it. I also loved that this was the first nomination for Sandra Bullock and she won!!!!! She obviously made me cry and I loved her dress. Her hubby is crazy about her.
BUT then the coolest thing ever happened...Kathryn Bigelow was the first woman to win Best Director and she beat out her ex husband. TWICE! She won best picture...THE BIGGEST AWARD OF THE NIGHT. I honestly wanted her to stop talking about firemen and just say "and James, I beat you...TWICE".
Maybe next year I'll make it for the whole show.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
We have a broken arm in the house
Let me just tell you, I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Having a small child that is virtually helpless hurt themselves like this is such a hard thing to go through. They have almost no idea what is going on. He told everyone he was my baby and wanted me to hold him the whole time we were there even though I think that was most painful for him. We were lucky enough to have great Dr.'s and nurses today. As a matter of fact, one of our nurses was in tears with me when we came out of X-ray because we had to move the arm around so much to get good films, the poor baby was screaming bloody murder. I was a wreck and Adam was beside himself. We manged to keep it together in order to not make Aidan more nervous. After laying around in a hospital bed for the majority of the day, Ortho came in and gave him a cast and it was like his personality was turned back on. Well I think the little bit of pain meds helped too. He got Popsicles for the ride home and thanked every one he saw on the way out. I was proud of him.
He is finally in bed. It took us until about 10:30 to get him comfortable. He is a stomach sleeper so it will be interesting to see if he tries to get on his belly in the middle of the night and if that will cause him to wake up.
Please say a little prayer for our little man.

A Day in the Life

So that's it. That's our life. Aren't you glad you stopped by???
Friday, March 5, 2010
Bethenny has always been my favorite. I follow her Skinny Girl deal off of the show and I just thrilled for her that she is engaged and pregnant. Her dreams are coming true. I just don't understand why no one else can be excited for her? I think there may be some serious jealousy over her recent success. I don't really believe that she just turned in to a super B, I just think it's her reaction to how people are talking about her. I mean come on, is there really anything bad you could have said about her PETA ad? Her body is almost perfect. I am sad to see that she and Jill are on the outs. I am hoping for a reconciliation there.
Jill comes in a close second for me after Bethenny. But what was her deal last night? It looks like someone put her on a diet and she looks awesome. She just seems to have upped the snottiness this season. Last year she was upset because Bethenny had logos up at a party they were hosting and this episode she was mad because Ramona brought out her jewelry line. She should just start packing fabric samples in her purse so that when things like this happen she is prepared and doesn't come off like she just always wants it to be about her.
Alex is boring. So far. I hope she grows some you know what this season and sticks up for herself.
If I have to hear Luann say one more time that she will always be a countess I will probably hurt myself. She has always been one of my least favorites for this reason. Be who you are not what your title is. She is so far from being classy these days. I do feel for her on the divorce thing. She does seem genuinely hurt by that whole ordeal. I think that built up bitterness is where her lashing out at everyone is coming from.
Ramona. 4 words. Put. On. Some. Clothes.
I have always thought Kelly was nuts. I don't know how she models or who puts up with her because everything about her disturbs me. Her attitude gives me the heeby geebies. She beat up her boyfriend. Enough said.
I can't wait to see how all of this drama unfolds. I cannot wait for the episode where Bethenny finds out she's pregnant. I hope everyone is watching!!!! xoxox
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thank You
Me: I really wish we had someone to send one of my new Thank You Notes to.
Adam: You could go to the kitchen and make me a drink and I'll send you a new Thank You Note.
Yeah. Not quite what I was going for.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Re Decorating Again
I bought a new sofa table for behind the sofa. The one I REALLY REALLY wanted was black but I could only get it in brown. I am trying to decide if I should just paint the current one black or take it back and hold out until I find one that is perfect. It looks really good with my glass lamp and some picture frames on it. Not to mention I won't have to worry about our guests not having anywhere to put their drinks from now on.
My next step is to get new covers for our throw pillows and a new lamp shade. The current shade has a huge stain on it. It cracks me up that Adam bought me those lamps as a house warming gift when I bought this house and then he just moved in! Luckily we have a lamp shop right around the corner with an out of this world assortment of lamp shades. I should definitely be able to find something cute.
Did I already tell you I threw out my window treatments? I am embarrassed to even tell you I bought them at Pier 1 over three years ago and had never washed them. They had these little beads on them so I was scared. Needless to say, the bottoms of them were COVERED in dust. Grossness. I am on the hunt for something new. So far the hunt is not going very well. The budget always gets in the way. When I win the lottery, I am going to have custom window treatments. Booyah!
Anyways, I'll post pictures when I get more done (and when I am not this tired). xoxo
Mama GOT A BRAND NEW...Cupholder

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Aidan's Big Boy Room
I was so torn for the longest time what to do about a duvet cover. Most people know I am not in to theme's. Especially at this stage in his life, so I didn't want to get anything with a print on it. Candace and I were at the Pottery Barn Kids outlet two weeks ago and I found this and I am thrilled with it. It's a little but brighter in real life.
I love his slip covered bed. The minky pillow covers were designed by me, made by my mother in law. Haha. The rug is Pottery Barn Kids and was in his nursery and worked well in here as well so I left it for now.
It took me an entire week to paint these letters. I had to do a million coats of paint on each because the primer kept showing through. Adam did not know if he was going to like them until I put them up. I am quite proud of the finished product.
These Ikea shelves are on both sides of his window. They hold all of his books and little keepsakes from his childhood. You can barely see the baby shower invite from the shower thrown by Adam's mom and sister. The big blocks came from Garden Ridge and I am using them as book ends.
The rocking chair you can sort of see in the picture was mine when I was a baby! Crazy huh? It needs to be re stained but I haven't made it that far yet!